Benefits of the Digital Business Card in Networking

Discover the advantages of having a digital business card and how it can boost your networking.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


February 7, 2024

Professional contact network

The digital business card offers several advantages in the context of networking, providing a modern and effective approach to exchanging professional information. Here are some benefits:

Accessibility and Sustainability:

  • Reducing paper waste and contributing to more sustainable practices.
  • Ease of sharing through electronic devices, eliminating the need to carry physical cards.

Dynamic Update:

  • Ability to quickly and easily update contact information and professional details, ensuring that information is always up to date.

Multimedia and Interactivity:

  • Inclusion of multimedia elements, such as links to websites, online portfolios, videos or social networks , for a more complete and interactive presentation.

Ease of Sharing:

  • Instant sharing via Bluetooth, NFC or QR codes, simplifying the process of exchanging information at networking events.

Cloud Storage:

  • Secure cloud storage, ensuring information is not lost and is accessible from anywhere at any time.

Analytics and Tracking:

  • Some digital business card platforms offer analytics capabilities , allowing you to track who viewed your information and when, providing valuable insights.

Customized Design:

Time saving:

  • Agility in exchanging information, eliminating the need to manually enter data into devices after a networking event.

Integration with Mobile Devices:

  • Compatibility with smartphones and tablets, facilitating access to information even in environments where carrying physical cards can be inconvenient.

Online Visibility:

  • Ease of connecting on social networks and maintaining an online presence, expanding professional visibility.

In short, the digital business card offers a more efficient, sustainable and technologically advanced approach to networking, aligning with contemporary business and communication practices.

Advantages of Networking in Professional Life

Networking practices can have a significant impact on an individual's professional life. Here are some positive changes that can occur:

Career Opportunities:

  • Effective networking can open doors to new job opportunities, promotions and challenging projects.

Increased Professional Visibility:

  • Connecting with peers, industry leaders, and influencers can increase your professional visibility by highlighting your skills and achievements.

Skills development:

  • Attending networking events gives you the chance to hone interpersonal skills such as communication, negotiation and relationship building.

Access to Knowledge and Information:

  • Networking allows you to share knowledge, insights and relevant information, keeping you up to date with trends and developments in your field.

Constructive Feedback:

  • Connecting with experienced professionals can provide valuable feedback about your career, projects and skills, contributing to professional development.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • Networking creates opportunities to form strategic partnerships and collaborations, potentially driving innovative projects and business ventures.

Professional Support:

  • Having a solid network means having a professional support group who can offer advice, guidance and support during challenging times.


  • Establishing strong connections can lead to mentoring relationships, providing valuable insights from more experienced professionals in your field.

Trust and Credibility:

  • Building a reliable network of contacts can increase your credibility in the job market, making you a respected reference in your field.

Access to Resources:

  • Networking can provide access to resources such as training, exclusive events, professional tools and educational opportunities.

Social Circle Expansion:

  • In addition to the professional benefits, networking can also enrich your social life, providing meaningful friendships and connections beyond the work environment.

Professional Resilience:

  • A strong network can be a source of emotional and professional support during challenging times, contributing to resilience and well-being at work.

In short, networking practices have the potential to transform professional life, providing opportunities, knowledge, support and valuable connections that can drive growth and success throughout your career.

How to Network

Starting networking practices may seem challenging at first, but it is a valuable skill that can be developed over time. Here are some tips to get started:

Define Your Goals:

  • Set clear goals for your networking. Ask yourself why you are interested in building a professional network and what you hope to achieve.

Update Your Profile Online:

  • Make sure your accounts on professional platforms like LinkedIn are up to date with your experiences, skills and interests.

Participate in Professional Events:

  • Attend conferences, seminars, workshops and other events related to your area of expertise. These are ideal places to meet people in your industry.

Join Online Groups and Communities:

  • Join relevant social media groups or online forums to participate in discussions and interact with professionals in your field.

Be Proactive at Networking Events:

  • When attending in-person or virtual events, don't wait for people to approach you. Be proactive, start conversations and be open to meeting new people.

Develop your Elevator Proposal:

  • Have a brief introduction about yourself ready to share. This includes who you are, what you do professionally and your goals.

Be Authentic and Genuine:

  • When connecting with other professionals, be authentic. Show genuine interest in people, listen carefully, and share your own experiences honestly.

Use Social Media Strategically:

  • In addition to LinkedIn, use other social media platforms to connect with professionals. Participate in relevant discussions and share content related to your field.

Take advantage of Internal Networking Opportunities:

  • Don't restrict yourself to external events. Take advantage of networking opportunities within your own organization, interacting with colleagues from different departments.

Follow the Principle of Reciprocity:

  • Offer help whenever possible and be willing to contribute to others' networks. Networking is a two-way street.

Thank and Follow:

  • After meeting someone, thank them for the interaction and, when appropriate, follow up. Maintaining contact over time is essential.

Participate in Volunteer Activities:

  • Get involved in volunteer activities related to your area of expertise. In addition to contributing to the community, this provides networking opportunities.

Remember that networking is an ongoing process and built over time. Be patient, persistent and open to new connections. Every interaction can be an opportunity to expand your professional network and create meaningful relationships.


In this blog we highlight the importance of networking and explore the benefits of digital business cards in this context. Networking, when cultivated strategically, can have a significant impact on professional life, providing career opportunities, skills development, access to resources and a valuable support network. Networking practices include attending professional events, updating online profiles, being proactive in interactions and following the principle of reciprocity.

Additionally, we discuss how the digital business card represents a modern evolution in networking practices, offering accessibility, dynamic updating, multimedia, ease of sharing and other benefits compared to traditional business cards. The adoption of innovative strategies, such as the use of digital technologies, can contribute to more efficient networking in line with contemporary business practices.

In short, networking is an essential skill for professional growth, while the incorporation of digital tools, such as the digital business card, represents a modern and effective approach to strengthening these connections. By implementing these practices, professionals can build a robust network, promote personal and professional development, and maximize opportunities in their careers.

Access the ClickCard blog and discover more about the world of networking and how to have your digital business card for free!

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