What is Networking

Discover the power of networking: build authentic connections to drive careers, opportunities and personal growth.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


August 15, 2023

Create connections digitally

In today's world, where personal and professional relationships are key to success, the concept of networking has become an indispensable skill. Networking is not just about accumulating contacts, but building genuine relationships that can boost your career and open doors to incredible opportunities.

In this blogpost, we'll explore what networking is, why it's important, and how you can develop this skill to advance your professional journey.

Professionals connecting at a networking event

What is Networking: Unraveling the Fundamentals

Networking, at its core, is the art of cultivating authentic, mutually beneficial relationships with relevant individuals inside and outside your professional sphere. However, this definition has been expanded over the decades.

Previously, networking was often considered a means of "networking" at business events and conferences. Today, that concept has evolved to encompass long-term relationships built on trust, exchange of ideas and mutual support .

In a global scenario where geographic and cultural barriers are gradually being overcome by technology, networking has become a fundamental tool to enhance your career and expand your opportunities. Here are some reasons why networking is more important than ever:

Access to Information and Opportunities: Well-established connections can provide valuable insights into industry trends, job opportunities, strategic partnerships, and even insights into how to stand out in a competitive marketplace.

Mentoring and Advising: Solid networking provides access to experienced mentors and peers who can share their knowledge, guidance and practical advice, thus accelerating your own professional development.

Building a Strong Personal Brand: Connecting with influential people in your field helps build your image and credibility, increasing your visibility and impact.

Development of Social Skills: By interacting with a variety of people, you'll improve your communication, empathy and adaptation skills - all essential for professional success.

Networking vs. Networking: While networking and networking are related, they are distinct in their approaches and outcomes. Networking often focuses on collecting business cards or adding social media connections without a specific goal in mind. Networking goes further, involving building meaningful relationships, sharing relevant information, and mutually contributing. While the exchange of contacts can be superficial and ephemeral, networking seeks to create lasting and fruitful bonds.

Professionals investing in networking

The Benefits of Networking: Why It's Worth Investing Time and Effort

Networking is like opening a window to a world full of opportunities. By connecting with people from different industries and backgrounds, you broaden your reach and access opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.

New jobs, business partnerships, creative collaborations, and even lasting friendships can emerge from well-built connections.

Imagine a scenario where you are always on top of the latest trends, best practices and relevant insights in your field. Networking gives you access to insider information and valuable knowledge that can help you make more informed and innovative decisions.

Engaging in meaningful conversations with experienced people can accelerate your learning and expand your horizons.

A well-cultivated network of contacts offers emotional and professional support in crucial moments. You can count on your peers and network leaders for guidance, advice and encouragement.

Additionally, mentoring from someone more experienced can serve as a compass for your journey, avoiding common pitfalls and accelerating your progress.

As you connect with a variety of people, your social skills are constantly being challenged and improved. Networking helps improve your communication skills, empathy, active listening and adapting to different personality styles.

As you gain confidence in your interactions, that self-confidence extends to other aspects of your life and career.

Profissionais criando conexões fortes entre si

Building Authentic Relationships

In the world of digital and social connections, authenticity is a valuable asset. Being yourself in interactions creates a strong foundation for lasting relationships. People respond positively to genuine and sincere individuals as this creates an environment of trust and mutual respect. Authenticity allows you to build meaningful connections that go beyond the superficial.

Tips for Starting Conversations and Breaking the Ice at Networking Events: Starting a conversation can be challenging, but with a few strategies, you can overcome that initial barrier. Try the following tips:

  • Use a Sincere Compliment: Start with a genuine compliment or positive remark about the setting, the event, or something related to the context.
  • Ask Open-ended Questions: Questions that cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" encourage a richer, more detailed conversation.
  • Share a Common Interest: Identify shared interests and start the conversation based on them.

How to Actively Listen and Show Genuine Interest in Others' Stories: Active listening is a crucial skill for building meaningful relationships. When you show genuine interest in others' stories and experiences, you are building deeper connections. Maintain eye contact, ask follow-up questions, and show empathy as the person talks. Avoid interrupting and be present in the moment to really understand what is being shared.

The Art of Sharing Your Own Experiences in an Engaging Way: Sharing your own stories and experiences is a powerful way to make connections. When sharing, be honest and open, highlighting lessons you learned and situations you grew up in. Use relevant anecdotes to illustrate talking points and create an environment for mutual exchange.

Techniques for building a professional network

Networking Strategies: Expanding Your Contact Network the Smart Way

Building a solid network of contacts is essential for professional success in an interconnected world. However, effective networking goes beyond just exchanging business cards; it involves smart strategies to expand your network significantly. In this article, we'll explore several strategies for expanding your network, including attending events, using online platforms, getting involved in interest groups, and the importance of nurturing relationships over time.

1. Participation in Relevant Events and Conferences: Participating in events and conferences is one of the most direct ways to expand your network of contacts. These environments provide a valuable opportunity to meet people with similar interests and goals. By choosing events related to your area of expertise, you automatically connect with professionals who share your interests and passions. Face-to-face interaction at events provides fertile ground for building authentic and lasting relationships.

2. Effective Use of Social Media and Online Platforms: Social networks and online platforms play a crucial role in modern networking. Use professional sites like LinkedIn to create an attractive profile that highlights your skills and experience. Also, join relevant groups and forums in your field where you can share insights, learn from other professionals, and make valuable connections.

3. Establishing Interest Groups and Active Participation: Participating in interest groups is an effective way to connect with people who share similar passions. Join professional associations, clubs or discussion groups relevant to your field. By contributing valuable information, participating in discussions and sharing your perspectives, you demonstrate your expertise and make meaningful connections with people whose interests align with yours.

4. The Importance of Keeping in Regular Contact and Nurturing Relationships: Expanding your network is important, but maintaining relationships is critical. It is crucial to maintain regular contact with your contacts, whether through messages, emails or face-to-face meetings. By sharing relevant updates, sending congratulations on special dates, or offering assistance when possible, you show that you value the connection and are willing to invest in the relationship for the long term.

Professionals connecting at a networking event

Dealing with Challenges and Overcoming Barriers

While networking can be a powerful tool for success, it is not without its challenges and barriers. Shyness, fear of uncomfortable situations, and the need to build diverse connections can seem like daunting obstacles. However, facing these challenges head-on will not only expand your network, but also boost your personal and professional growth. In this article, we'll explore ways to overcome these obstacles and tackle networking challenges effectively.

1. Overcoming Shyness and Fear of Approaching New People: For many people, shyness and fear of approaching strangers can be paralyzing. However, overcoming these feelings is critical to effective networking. Here are some strategies to help:

Prepare Ahead: Practice an introductory speech or brainstorm conversation topics before the event.

Set Small Goals: Instead of focusing on getting to know lots of people, set a goal of starting one or two meaningful conversations.

Focus on the Other Person: Focus on the other person by asking questions and showing genuine interest, which can reduce anxiety.

2. Dealing with Uncomfortable or Embarrassing Situations: Not all networking interactions will be smooth and trouble-free. Sometimes you may come across uncomfortable or even embarrassing situations. Here are some ways to deal with these moments:

Keep Calm and Composure: Take a deep breath and stay calm, even in awkward situations. Remember that everyone has been through similar times.

Shift the Focus: If a conversation becomes uncomfortable, shift the focus to a more neutral topic or ask a question to redirect the discussion.

3. Building a Diverse and Inclusive Network: For truly enriching networking, it is important to build a diverse and inclusive network, spanning different sectors, cultures and backgrounds. Here are some ways to do this:

Attend Multi-Disciplinary Events: Attend events that attract a variety of professionals from different fields.

Encourage Inclusion: When creating groups or events, strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.

Professional networking rules

Networking as a Two-Way Street

Networking isn't just about what you can get, it's also about what you can give. Building an effective network involves a two-way approach, where contributing to the community is as important as receiving support and opportunities. In this article, we'll explore how networking can be a meaningful two-way street, discussing ways to offer support, share knowledge, and build lasting relationships based on reciprocity.

1. Offering Help and Support to Your Network Members: One of the most powerful ways to strengthen your network is to support others. By showing a genuine interest in the success and well-being of your network members, you create strong, lasting bonds. Here are some ways to support:

  • Mentoring: Share your knowledge and experience to mentor less experienced colleagues.
  • Strategic Introductions: Connect people in your network who can benefit each other.
  • Provide Referrals: Be an advocate for the talent in your network, providing referrals and recommendations where appropriate.

2. Sharing Knowledge, Resources and Opportunities: Sharing is a cornerstone of effective networking. By volunteering your expertise, resources, and opportunities, you become a valued member of the community. Consider these strategies:

  • Content Sharing: Share articles, books, webinars and other relevant resources with your network.
  • Offering Trainings or Workshops: Share your skills and knowledge through training sessions or workshops.
  • Indicating Opportunities: When you come across opportunities aligned with the interests of your network, do not hesitate to indicate them.

3. Building Long-Term Relationships Based on Reciprocity: Reciprocity is the foundation of meaningful networking. Solid relationships are built when there is a constant exchange of support, help and insights. To build long-term relationships based on reciprocity:

  • Be Proactive: Offer help before it's asked and be willing to contribute to the success of others.
  • Keep in Regular Contact: Don't wait for special occasions to communicate; maintain regular contact and be present in your contacts' lives.
  • Show Appreciation: Acknowledge and say thank you when other members of your network offer support to you.
Fazendo conexões profissionais

Measuring Networking Success: Uncovering Impact and Value Metrics

While networking is often seen as a social and professional activity, its true effectiveness goes beyond the mere exchange of business cards. Measuring networking success involves understanding the real impact of the connections and relationships you build. In this article, we will explore how to measure networking success through inspiring real-world examples, identifying key indicators and emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach that goes beyond the quantitative aspect.

1. Examples of Success Stories Resulting from Connections and Relationships: Networking success often manifests itself in inspiring stories of growth and opportunity. Here are some notable examples:

  • Successful Professional Collaborations: Business partnerships or collaborative projects that emerged from networking contacts, resulting in a positive impact on the bottom line.
  • Transformative Mentoring: Instances where a mentor provided guidance and insights that significantly advanced someone's career.
  • Referrals and Recommendations: Referrals to job vacancies, career opportunities or strategic partnerships that were provided by networking contacts.
  • Business Growth: Stories of entrepreneurs who grew their businesses or gained visibility through well-established connections.

2. Key Networking Success Indicators: Measuring networking success involves more than just the number of contacts. Here are some key indicators that can signal that your networking is generating positive results:

  • Reciprocity: If you receive and offer support in a balanced way, demonstrating a mutually beneficial exchange.
  • Quality of Connections: The depth of relationships built and the authenticity of interactions.
  • Access to Opportunities: How often you are presented with relevant opportunities through your network.
  • Continuous Learning: How much you learn from your connections and how this influences your professional growth.
  • Development Impact: How networking contributes to your career development and skills enhancement.

3. The Importance of Measuring Beyond the Quantitative Aspect: While it is tempting to measure networking success solely in terms of numbers of contacts or connections on social networks, this approach can be misleading. The true value of networking lies in the quality of the connections and the impact they have on your professional and personal lives. The measure of success should incorporate both quantitative and qualitative aspects, considering how these connections positively influence your journey.


As we explore the world of networking, it becomes clear that building genuine relationships is an essential skill for success in any career. It's not just about exchanging business cards , it's about nurturing authentic connections that can open doors, inspire learning and enrich your professional journey. By investing time and effort in developing this skill, you will be building a solid foundation for a promising future full of opportunities.

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