Three of the pillars of Digital Marketing are: content creation, the sales process, and networking. To be successful and reach your goals, it is necessary to reconcile all of them.
Digital marketing operates in an environment where there is an increase in customers and also competitors. To stand out, the way and the frequency in which you promote your company directly affects the final result.
But don't despair. Competitor and audience analysis generate data for you to base your marketing strategy on, so you can be constantly changing and getting closer to your audience every day.
These strategies are a little different from those of traditional marketing. Because we are present in digital media we have to deal not only with what we say, but also in the way we say it.
In this case, the most appropriate is a study of the brands and personalities you want to attract. It is based on these observations that you can distinguish what kind of content appeals to your clientele and how you can approach potential business partners.
In this way, companies see results by investing in content marketing for social networks, blogs and, consequently, in search marketing.
There is an order for these tools to be used, for example: your first objective is to be found. So you should invest in SEO techniques that, when followed, will make your site one of the top search results on Google.
But why would you invest in this if you can solve this problem through paid traffic? Well, by being found on the first page of Google and still outside the ads section, you generate a good first impression to the customer by generating such credibility.
Moreover, with organic traffic, you invest in creating your own audience without depending on a specific social network or platform. This gives you security to invest and autonomy.
This method is more suited for blogs and Google pages, but there is another method to become known: acting in social networks. Challenging, isn't it?
Even if it is not your focus, it is necessary to rock the social networks with posts and interactions from time to time. Besides attracting people to the content you post on your blog, you may be improving your networking, even if slowly.
It is through social networks that a company builds a qualified audience and knows the right time to talk to the public, but it is through blogs and websites that your company can become known and be found on Google.
These habits make your brand more humanized, which calls more customers and makes them stay and refer your product. Digital marketing is like networking, it has the goal of evolution, but relationship building is just as important, and this happens through knowledge exchange.
The role of marketing is not only to generate sales, but to create a relationship between the client and the brand. Try to invest in building a loyal audience and not just media buyers.
Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing
Content Marketing is about the niche market. It is not only about advertising, but about driving the audience. It is not about the needs of the company, but about what the customer needs.
There are some principles of content marketing, such as: the increase of the internet audience together with the interaction of users on social networks; gaining the trust of customers before purchasing the product and the relationship with the customer after the purchase; carrying out the advertising and publicity of the product in a spontaneous way.
Content production is based on building articles for websites, e-books, and posts on social networks. But this information should not be built in just any way, because, besides being enriching, it must be well planned based on an objective.
In other words, it must be relevant to the point that your audience finishes the reading satisfied that the content has added to their knowledge or brought them ideas.
There are some criteria during the production of posts, texts, videos or arts that must be followed. They encompass networking principles because they have a similar bias. One of them is the construction of the publications as a means of communication so that your audience can be informed about day-to-day issues.
For example: ClickCard is an expert in Networking and its product (interactive digital business cards) helps communication, both face-to-face and digital, between customers and business partners. In this case, its content should cover issues such as digital marketing, because to be successful in networking, it is necessary to have a good presence in digital media.
Thus, ClickCard creates blogs to assist its customers in the networking process. In this way, it not only delivers the tool, but also assists in how to use it.
The ideal is that there is a balance between informative content and advertising, but that both are done in a natural and fluid way.
Inbound Marketing has its fundamentals intertwined with the characteristics of content marketing, such as generating quality content in digital media and, through it, attracting more customers.
In addition, it also values the achievement and prioritization of your audience's satisfaction to maintain contact after the purchase. The difference is that his actions are not only done on social networks or blogs but also by e-mail, where the company can disclose offers and promotions.
With this, it knows better how to distinguish which customers are more likely to purchase the product or service, generating more results for your company through performance analysis.
The function of Inboud Marketing is to know who is going to buy now and who is going to leave it for later. To do this it is necessary to offer an attractive proposal through content marketing, call to visit your site, and study your proposals so that they become customers.
But it doesn't stop there, after the purchase it is necessary to continue to spread the word and make the relationship with the customer permanent. This will warm up the clientele, not only to continue using your product, but also to indicate it to other people. There are services that take advantage of this to provide a network effect, if the service is a platform that with the referral, the user gets a discount or promotion.
In fact, there are several types of marketing, and this has grown over time. Companies are becoming more aware every day, and this makes the internet richer in information and in the way it is transmitted.
"But how to stand out among so many?" - you may ask yourself. I've separated some tips for you, read on.
SEO techniques

There are some rules to follow to make your website, blog and social media posts relevant to Google. Since technology is constantly changing, such techniques can change over time, but their ideas remain the same.
SEO has many niches, from programming to content creation. In other words, everything that makes up a page, all its areas of creation involve SEO techniques.
When we are writing a content, we should not only care about the written part, right? Images, infographics, podcasts and videos make everything more interesting. The idea of building a blog is to bring information in an interesting and in-depth way. Introducing other forms of communication, such as visuals, is a good technique to make your blog more didactic and far from dull content.
"But can I use other elements in any way I want?" - You must ask yourself. The answer is no. But nothing that makes your way of building content something plastered, I promise.
Let me give you an example: when building a blog and customizing it, you should use 3 images for every 1,000 words. Another example is the way this paragraph is structured. The content you write and your idea remain, only your formatting is different. In this case, I have listed for you some techniques that can help you. Let's go!
Text structure

Well, as said before, to make your text cleaner and more fluid, consistent with the flow of the reader's reasoning, you should make most of the text short periods. Like this one.
This is because the probability of making the information confusing increases with the length of the period. You do not need to inform in a superficial way, just break your information into small pieces. This way the coherence remains and the reader can read your text in a more agile way.
But it all depends on the way it is written. Do you understand this as you read the sentence above? Is it confusing to you even though it is a longer sentence than the others?
You see, rules are created for a purpose. Since the internet is constantly changing, you have to stick to your ideas. This is a special tip from me and it varies from writer to writer.
The goal is to make sure that your text does not have a trace of noise that can distract the reader from the text. With practice you can build a text cohesively and without worrying about paragraph length.
Blog Media
You can choose the images, videos and podcasts you want to put on your blog. The idea of media is that it informs the reader in a way other than text.
The information becomes cleaner and clearer by becoming more interactive. In this way, you reach more readers by adding and going more in-depth about the topic being covered.
"But my company doesn't have a podcast!" - You claim and I ask, "But do you listen to any that pass along information that matches the intonation of your writing to recommend?"
One way to make your blog known is by referencing other companies' content. Besides being a means of networking, people give you more credibility because you value the quality of information, making them aware of where you got such information from.
Internal and external links
What are links and why have they become an SEO technique? Well, Google makes your page more and more relevant depending on how long each user stays on it.
With internal links, you collaborate so that the reader stays even longer on your radar. So that the reader stays on your page even after finishing reading a text, with the internal link he can consider reading another blog of yours that involves another subject related to the previous theme.
"But if I want the user to stay on my page, why would I put an external link?" Well, besides generating credibility, when you reference a larger site, it is possible to be seen. This act can trigger a new contact or someone referring to your blog in the future.
The role of the external link is also to tell where you get your information from, especially if it concerns statistical data. This makes your reader trust your content and become a permanent audience.
Networking in conjunction with digital marketing

You must wonder how to network with digital marketing, right? Well, I'll tell you one thing: both tools are forms of communication to attract partners, customers, and audience. They are just different techniques that complement each other and should go hand in hand.
Your presence in the digital media greatly influences your networking, as does the tone of your content and the credibility in which it is wrapped. For a networking event, the first impression is very important and people tend to get to know you more and more through a visit on your social networks. So don't just invest in the quantity of posts, but also in their quality.
You can learn more about networking and digital marketing in other posts on our blog, and if you want to follow us, you can follow us on social networks so you can always be informed when we post a new one.
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