How to present your work on social media

When sharing your digital business card with others, one of the things they will have access to is your social networks. Nothing better than preparing them for a good reception.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


May 5, 2021

Move your social network and interact more with the audience you already have and that is coming.

By sharing your digital business card with other people, they will have access to your social networks. It can be to get in touch or to learn about your work, it varies according to the profile of the person or company. Therefore, what we should have ready for delivery are well-presented social networks. In this case, here are some tips on how to present your work on digital media:

Hashtags and Social SEO

On social media, visibility is essential to expand your audience and achieve your goals, whether you are an influencer, entrepreneur or professional. One of the most powerful tools for improving visibility on social media is hashtags and keywords. In this blogpost, we'll explore the importance of hashtags, how to use them strategically, and the best strategies and tools for hashtag research.

The Importance of Hashtags and Keywords

Hashtags and keywords play a crucial role on social media. They help to:

  1. Increase Discoverability: People search for specific content using hashtags, which makes it easier for them to find your posts.
  2. Connect with the Target Audience: By using relevant keywords, you connect with people interested in your niche or area of expertise.
  3. Improve Search Engine Rankings: Social SEO is a strategy that helps you optimize your posts. The aim is for them to appear in the search results of search engines, such as Google.

How to Use Hashtags Strategically

  1. Research the Best Hashtags: Before posting, research the most popular and relevant hashtags for your content. Tools like "Hashtagify" or Instagram's search function can help with this.
  2. Be Specific: Avoid generic hashtags and opt for those more specific to your content. This reduces competition and attracts a more targeted audience.
  3. Mix Up Audience Sizes: Use popular hashtags, but also include less popular hashtags. This increases your chances of being discovered by different audiences.
  4. Create Your Own Hashtag: A custom hashtag can be a great way to promote your brand or campaign. Make sure you use it consistently.
  5. Avoid Excess: Don't overload your posts with hashtags. Less is more; use only the most relevant ones to avoid looking spammy.

Tools and Strategies for Hashtag Research

  1. Hashtag Research: Use tools like “Hashtagify” and “RiteTag” to find out which hashtags are trending and related to your niche.
  2. Competitor Observation: Analyze which hashtags are being used by your competitors and whether they are getting good results.
  3. Current Trends: Be aware of current trends and relevant events to include popular and timely hashtags in your posts.
  4. Test and Learn: Don’t be afraid to try different hashtags and monitor which ones work best for your audience. Adjust your strategy based on results.

Polls, questions and tests

Polls are a very practical tool for interacting with the public, especially if the topic is related to something new or controversial. This type of distraction is pleasant for the follower and makes the profile lighter.

The question box is useful for getting information from your followers. You can address topics about what they expect from the profile or what they think of the content already presented. Take the opportunity to get to know them even more to get more perspective on what catches your attention on social media.

With tests you can present curiosities on which the company or brand is based. In the case of the launch of a new product, it would be an interesting way to inform and humanize it as a preview of its launch. With the tests you can also use it for something outside the context of the profile, something to relax the follower.

Lives and Workshops

Through lives you can attract a large audience, both to present your work and to relax. The constant number of lives on your profile can shake up your social networks and bring your followers closer to you. Furthermore, if you invite a special guest, you can gain followers through their profile and vice versa.


If you are working on a new project, always let your followers know about it. Additionally, you can create posts about the ideas that generated the project and the themes it covers. Once complete, you can show the trajectory to your followers to encourage them.

Ideas and studies

Users look for new things, new ideas and inspiration. Try to leave your audience always well fed with this. You can present them from practice to theory, always showing a result and your growth with it. This gives a good impression to those who are coming to your profile and is relevant to the followers you already have.

It is through interactions on your social networks that you can make it grow, not only in quantity but also in quality.

Professional profile on social media

Nowadays, social networks are an important part of our personal and professional lives. They allow us to connect with friends, family and colleagues, as well as offering countless opportunities to expand our professional network. This is why having a professional profile on social media is increasingly important for those looking to develop their career.

One of the main advantages of having a professional profile on social media is the possibility of expand your reach and visibility on the internet . By posting valuable information about your area of expertise, you can attract the attention of companies that may be interested in your services. Furthermore, having a professional profile is also an effective way to stay up to date with trends and news in your field . Following industry leaders and participating in related groups can also contribute to your engagement and opportunities.

A professional profile on social media is also a great way to strengthen your personal brand . By sharing information about your career, your achievements, and your goals, you can create a positive and trustworthy image for yourself. This can be very useful when looking for new job opportunities or doing business with new clients.

‍Finally, having a professional profile on social media is also a way to stay connected with other professionals. You can follow the work of other professionals in your field and share your thoughts and ideas. Additionally, you can connect with colleagues and other professionals who share your interests and goals.

Profissional feliz com os seus resultados nas redes sociais

How to make professional publications

Social media is a great tool for improving your online presence and achieving your professional goals. It's important to remember that social media posts also represent your personal brand, so it's crucial to post professionally and effectively. Here are some tips to help you create professional social media posts:

  1. Define your strategy : It's important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your social media posts. Define your objective, your target audience and the type of content you want to share.
  2. Stay professional: Remember that your social media posts represent your personal brand and career. Therefore, avoid personal or controversial posts that could harm your professional image. Remain professional and present yourself in a respectful and professional manner.
  3. Share relevant and valuable content: People like to see relevant and valuable content on their social networks. Share useful and interesting information about your field, as well as related news and trends. Also, don't hesitate to share your achievements and recent projects.
  4. Be consistent: Consistency is the key to success on social media. Stay active and publish regular posts to maintain your online presence. Additionally, maintain consistency in your language and style to help build your personal brand.
  5. Interact with your followers: Interaction is important on social media. By responding to comments and messages from your followers, you can strengthen your online presence and build lasting connections.

Posting professionally on social media is important for achieving your professional goals and building your personal brand. Stay professional, share relevant and valuable content, be consistent, and interact with your followers to be successful on social media.

How to behave on social media

Social media is a great tool for improving your online presence and achieving your professional goals. However, each social network has its own rules, norms and expectations, and it is important to understand how to behave on each one. Here are some tips to help you behave professionally on each social network:

  1. LinkedIn : LinkedIn is a professional social network where users share information about their careers, connections and projects. On this website, it is important to maintain a professional attitude, share content relevant to your area of expertise and interact with other professionals. Additionally, make sure your profile photo and profile description are professional and adequately represent your personal brand.
  2. Twitter : Twitter is a short message social network where users share news, thoughts and updates about their lives. On this site, it is important to be concise and clear in your posts, share relevant information and interact with other users. Additionally, avoid controversial or personal posts that could harm your professional image.
  3. Instagram : Instagram is an image-based social network where users share photos and videos of their lives. On this site, it's important to share attractive, well-produced images, as well as using relevant hashtags and interacting with other users. Additionally, avoid posting personal or controversial images that could harm your professional image.
  4. Facebook : Facebook is a social network where users share information, news and updates about their lives. On this website, it is important to be careful about the type of information you share and maintain a professional attitude. Additionally, avoid personal or controversial posts that could harm your professional image.

It is important to understand the rules, norms and expectations of each social network in order to behave professionally. Keep an eye on your posts and interactions, avoid personal or controversial posts, and share information


Social networks are a powerful tool for expanding your network of contacts and achieving your professional goals. They offer a platform to build connections with other professionals, share information and insights, and showcase your personal brand effectively. By acting strategically on each social network, you can make the most of your online presence and build a solid network.

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