How to organize an event online

Master the art of planning, promoting and executing successful online events with our comprehensive guide. Tips, platforms and strategies to make your event stand out.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


May 24, 2021

How to organize an event during the pandemic and generate credibility for your brand.

Join us in this blog dedicated to revealing the essential secrets of organizing excellent online events. Here, we will thoroughly explore the elements that transform a virtual event into a memorable and engaging experience. In the ever-evolving landscape that embraces the entire globe, online events have emerged as a vital tool to connect, share knowledge and achieve goals, regardless of distance.

We have seen phenomenal growth in demand for these virtual events as organizations and individuals take this innovative approach to unite participants from all corners of the world. previously held in person, such as corporate events and conferences. However, our response was not limited to just attending these events; we were instigated to become creators of these experiences.

This change not only kept our projects moving, but also solidified our identity. In this ever-expanding digital context, an intriguing challenge arises: the initial enthusiasm for live broadcasts and virtual content generated saturation, losing novelty and resulting in visual fatigue . Creating an event now goes beyond mere content production. It has become imperative to build an engaging interaction that holds the audience's attention from start to finish. Here, the focus of creating events transcends the content itself. Interactivity is the key to captivating and keeping the audience's attention.

At this point, we take a step forward. This tutorial is your guide to exploring the world of online event creation, opening the door to experiences that not only educate, but also inspire and engage. Dive with us to explore the remarkable advantages that online events have over in-person events. From global borders to flexibility in participation, these advantages redefine our vision and experience of events.

Get ready to discover planning strategies, promotion tips and best practices for creating rich, interactive and impactful virtual experiences. Whether you're a curious beginner or a seasoned organizer looking to improve, this space is yours to explore the endless possibilities of online events. Join us as we unlock the secrets to creating online events that not only meet, but exceed expectations in a memorable way.

Company starting an online event through the Zoom platform

Initial Planning for a Successful Online Event

When it comes to organizing an online event, initial planning is the cornerstone that will determine the success of the entire journey. Every detail, from the objective to the budget, plays a vital role in creating a memorable and impactful experience for your audience. In this part, we'll explore the fundamental steps of initial planning to ensure that your online event is a real triumph.

Strategic Planning: At the starting point of organizing your online event, a generous dose of creativity is essential. Start with brainstorming, letting the ideas flow. Classify them according to the central objective and don't hesitate to discard those that seem less pertinent at the moment.

Define your Objective: with your objective clearly outlined, use it as a compass for each phase of the event. This will lead to the construction of the theme, adapted to the target audience. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience personas, understanding their interests to present in an engaging way. Create an experience that is not only informative but inspiring, leaving attendees hungry for more.

The Power of a Creative Headline: First impressions count, and a well-crafted headline is the gateway to an audience's curiosity. Choose a name that not only reflects the essence of the event, but also inspires confidence. Relevant hashtags boost your social media visibility by providing clues to the theme and purpose of the event.

Know your Audience: As you shape the theme and ideas to be covered, do so in a way that resonates with your specific audience . Deepen your knowledge of your feelings and thoughts through surveys such as forms, interviews and polls. This deep understanding will allow for a more connected and interactive approach during the event.

Personalization for Engagement: It's not just about delivering information, it's about captivating and engaging. Create a theme that speaks directly to the minds and hearts of the participants. Remember, they want to leave the event inspired, not depleted. Personalization is key to sustaining interest and ensuring each attendee feels valued. By building an effective plan from the ground up, you'll be paving the way for an exceptional online event.

Set a clear objective, engage with your target audience, create a memorable headline and a personalized experience. Keep your eyes peeled for the next installment in this series, where we'll explore choosing a platform and creating engaging content for your online event. Together, we will transform your event into an unforgettable experience.

How online projects and events can generate credibility 

Credibility is built daily through its commitment to the public. His trust in your brand depends on how faithfully your proposals are and how authentic they are. But to pass the credibility of your product to outsiders, you first need to believe in what you do and what you work for. Try to share your experiences, ideas and inspirations with your audience. Don't be afraid to humanize your brand.

Below are some techniques that can help you:

Precise information

Always seek to be objective with the information, if you have an idea or opinion of your own to expose, always seek to base it on a scientific study or data. This habit enriches your product and people give more credibility to what you say. Always seek to inform in an enlightening way so that those who are reading, watching or listening can understand and have their possible internal questions answered as the content progresses.

Promotion Work

The publicity part of your project and brand well, although when it is done in high demand it is harmful, at least once a week it is good to show your audience what you work on and succinctly present your product. Remember the engagement she will have, so look for a design that draws attention, but not so exaggerated and flashy to the point of disturbing communication. Make it a post in harmony with the product and convey the main idea of the project.

Complete Structure 

Aims to have a well-crafted structure, whether technical or communication. It ranges from electronic devices to responses to interactions, involving disclosure before and after the project or event occurred. Look for a reliable platform to showcase your work and always let your audience know what's going on, even if they're not following you live. Instigate him to this, show the positive points of your project when being monitored in real time.

For more tips on how to invest in your networking and keep it active, follow ClickCard's social networks and its blog!

Defining the platform to broadcast the event online

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Virtual Event

When planning a virtual event, choosing the platform is one of the most impactful decisions. The diversity of options can be overwhelming, but each platform has its quirks that better align with different types of events and audiences. In this guide, we'll explore the crucial considerations for choosing the perfect platform for your online event.

Comparing Features, Participant Capacity, and Costs: Each platform offers a unique set of features. Analyze your needs and goals to determine which features are essential. Also evaluate the capacity of participants, as some platforms have limits, while others are more scalable. It's crucial to understand the costs involved – some offer free plans, but additional features may have associated costs.

Ease of Use and Technical Support: An intuitive platform is key to ensuring a smooth experience for both organizers and attendees. Test the platform's interface to make sure it's user-friendly and accessible. Also, consider the availability of technical support. During an event, problems can arise and it is crucial to have an efficient support team to resolve any mishap.

Ensuring Accessibility for Different Devices: Accessibility is key to reaching a diverse audience. Make sure the platform is compatible with different devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers. Also, make sure it supports different operating systems and browsers. A platform that offers a consistent experience across multiple devices will extend your reach.

Exploring the Top Platforms for Virtual Events

Find the perfect platform for you As virtual events become the norm, choosing the right platform plays a key role in the success of your initiatives. With a variety of options available, it's important to understand the distinct characteristics of each platform. In this article, we'll explore some of the top platforms used for virtual events and highlight their strengths.

1. Zoom: Zoom has quickly become one of the most popular platforms for virtual events. With robust video conferencing, screen sharing and breakout rooms features, it is well suited for webinars, conferences and workshops. Its participant capacity varies depending on the chosen plan, and accessibility is good across platforms.

2. Hopin: Hopin is a platform focused on virtual and hybrid events. Offers exhibition rooms, networking and lectures. Its features aim to recreate the experience of a physical conference, allowing participants to interact more closely. Its interface is intuitive and can accommodate events of different sizes.

3. Webex: Cisco Webex is widely used for meetings, but it is also suitable for larger virtual events. It has interactivity tools, such as surveys and real-time chat, allowing the active participation of participants. It is also known for its security and stability.

4. Eventbrite: Although Eventbrite is best known as a ticketing platform, it also offers resources for virtual events. Allows you to create event pages, sell tickets and manage attendees. It is useful for events like workshops, webinars and seminars.

5. Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams is a popular choice for companies looking to host in-house events and virtual meetings. It has integration with other Microsoft 365 tools and offers features such as screen sharing, chats and video conferencing.

6. Remo: Remo is an interactive platform that simulates a face-to-face environment, with virtual tables in a virtual space. It is great for events that seek to facilitate networking and interaction between participants, providing an experience closer to reality. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on your event's specific needs.

When selecting a platform, consider factors such as audience size, type of event, desired interactivity, and available budget. Carefully evaluate the available options and choose the one that best meets your goals and participant engagement. With the right platform, your virtual event will be well on its way to becoming a memorable success.

Apresentando o conteúdo planejado e atrativo em evento online

Content and Programming for Unforgettable Virtual Events

When it comes to virtual events, the content and programming are the building blocks that define the audience experience. Creating a detailed schedule, choosing speakers, selecting relevant topics, preparing engaging presentations and including interactivity are crucial elements to ensure the success of your online event. In this step, we'll explore each of these aspects so you can create a memorable virtual event.

Creating a Detailed Schedule

A well-planned schedule is essential to keep the event flowing smoothly. Determine the total duration of the event and divide it into separate sessions. Include time for presentations, breaks, and interactive activities. Remember to consider different time zones to accommodate participants from around the world.

Selecting Speakers, Presenters, and Panelists

Choosing the right people to introduce is crucial. Opt for speakers and presenters who have expertise in the subject and can captivate the audience. Consider diversifying the voices to bring in different perspectives. Also, confirm availability in advance and ensure they are well prepared.

Choosing Relevant Topics

Topics covered should be relevant and interesting to your target audience. Research current trends, challenges and opportunities in the area in question. Consider creating a mix of topics to suit different interests and needs.

Preparing Effective and Engaging Presentations

An effective presentation is clear, concise and engaging. Avoid excess information and focus on the main points. Use visuals like slides, graphics, and videos to keep your audience's attention. Include stories, real examples and success stories to make the content more tangible.

Considering Interactivity

Interactivity is key to keeping the audience engaged. Include Q&A sessions after presentations, allowing attendees to actively participate. Polls throughout the event can generate instant insights and drive participation. Also consider virtual networking sessions so attendees can connect with each other. By creating rich content and engaging programming, you are laying the groundwork for an unforgettable virtual event.

A well-structured schedule, carefully chosen speakers, relevant topics, impactful presentations and effective interactivity are the key ingredients for success. Remember to adapt content and programming to your audience's needs and interests. With these elements in hand, you'll be ready to deliver an enriching, interactive online experience that will leave a lasting impression on attendees.

Protagonist team of online event presenting their marketing strategy

Advertising and Marketing Strategies for Your Virtual Event

Organizing a successful virtual event goes beyond preparing content and programming. The publicity and marketing stage plays a crucial role in ensuring your event reaches the right audience and builds anticipation. In this step, we'll explore essential strategies for effectively promoting your virtual event.

1. Creating a Website or Registration Page: A website dedicated to your event or a well-designed registration page is the starting point for attracting attendees. Make sure the design is attractive and all relevant information is clear. Include details about speakers, topics covered, dates and times, and benefits for attendees.

2. Using E-mail Marketing and Social Networks: e-mail marketing is still a powerful tool to reach your target audience. Build a list of contacts interested in your topic and send them informative and engaging emails. Also, use social media to share event details, teasers, and relevant information. Create visually appealing posts and use relevant hashtags to broaden reach.

3. Creating Pre-Event Content to Build Anticipation: Creating pre-event content is an effective way to build anticipation among attendees. Publish articles, short videos or podcasts related to the theme of the event. Not only does this keep the audience informed, it also piques their interest and curiosity.

4. Offering Discounts or Free Gifts to Encourage Enrollments: Offering incentives, such as special early-registration discounts or exclusive freebies, can be a huge boost to increasing enrollment. People love the feeling of getting something valuable in return. Be sure to highlight these benefits in your marketing campaign.

5. Partnerships and Co-Marketing: Collaborating with influencers, partner organizations or sponsors can significantly expand your event's reach. They can help promote the event to their own audiences, bringing in new interested attendees.

6. Building Anticipation and Participation: Advertising and marketing is key to building anticipation and participation for your virtual event. From creating an attractive website to strategically using email marketing and social media, every step plays a crucial role. Remember to create exciting pre-event content and offer incentives to secure registrations. By combining these strategies, you'll be laying the groundwork for a successful virtual event, with an engaged audience eager to participate.

Maximizing Attendee Engagement at your Virtual Event

The success of a virtual event goes beyond just delivering quality content. It is crucial to keep participants engaged and actively participating throughout the entire event. In this blogpost, we'll explore strategies for optimizing attendee engagement, making your virtual event a truly interactive and memorable experience. Real-time interaction tools like live chat, polls and question rooms are key to keeping attendees engaged. Encourage them to ask questions, share opinions and answer polls during presentations.

This not only keeps the audience engaged, but also provides valuable insights. Encourage participants to ask questions during presentations. Allow room for debates and discussions after each lecture. This not only creates an interactive environment, but also allows participants to clarify doubts and explore topics of interest in depth. Virtual networking sessions are valuable opportunities for participants to connect with each other. Create virtual spaces where participants can meet, exchange ideas and build professional relationships. This not only enriches the experience, but also makes it possible to build meaningful contacts. Gamification is a fun way to keep participants interested.

Create challenges, quizzes or competitions related to event content. Offer token rewards, such as virtual certificates or gifts, to those who actively participate and reach specific goals. Encourage attendees to provide feedback on sessions, speakers, and the overall experience of the event. Not only does this help identify areas for improvement, it also makes attendees feel heard and valued.

Attendee engagement is key to turning a virtual event into an engaging and impactful experience. By implementing real-time interaction tools, encouraging questions and discussions, promoting virtual networking sessions and using gamification, you are creating an environment in which participants feel connected and motivated to actively participate. Remember to always look for creative and innovative ways to engage your audience, thus creating a virtual event that will leave a lasting mark.

People interacting during online event

Technical Support and Testing for Virtual Events

When it comes to virtual events, the experience of participants is directly influenced by technical quality. To deliver a smooth and seamless event, a solid technical support and testing strategy is essential. In this article, we'll explore best practices for ensuring your virtual event is a technical success.

1. Conducting Audio/Video Connectivity and Quality Tests: Prior to the event, conduct rigorous internet connectivity and audio/video quality tests. Make sure speakers and presenters also pass these tests. Check that all equipment is working properly and that the internet connection is stable. This helps to avoid technical issues during the event.

2. Providing Participants with Clear Instructions for Access: Provide participants with detailed instructions on how to access the event. This includes information on how to log in to the platform, how to participate in specific sessions and how to interact with the chat and question tools. Make sure these instructions are clear and easy to follow, regardless of the participants' technical skill level.

3. Having a Technical Support Team During the Event: Have a technical support team available throughout the event. This can be done via live chat, phone support line or email. Staff should be ready to troubleshoot technical issues, answer questions from attendees, and provide immediate assistance whenever needed.

4. Preparing Backup Solutions for Technical Problems: Despite testing and preparation, technical problems may occur. Be prepared with backup solutions. This could include having an alternate platform available in case the main platform fails, having speakers prepared to switch to phone calls in case of audio issues, or using pre-recorded recordings as a B.

5. Conducting Pre-Event Simulation Tests: In addition to individual technical tests, conduct pre-event simulation tests with all stakeholders. This helps identify potential issues and ensure that everyone is comfortable with how the platform works and the interaction tools. Proper technical support and testing are crucial to providing a positive experience for your virtual event attendees.

By performing connectivity tests, providing clear instructions, having a technical support team on hand, and preparing backup solutions, you are investing in the technical success of your event. Not only will this reduce technical issues, but it will also ensure that attendees enjoy an uninterrupted event. Remember, a proactive approach to technical support is critical to creating a successful and memorable virtual experience.

Maximizing Your Virtual Event's Impact

When the sessions end and the virtual curtains close, the work is not done. The post-event period is crucial to ensuring your virtual event's impact is lasting. In this blog, we'll explore the essential steps to maximize results and maintain engagement long after the event. A thank you note is a powerful way to show appreciation to the speakers and attendees who were part of the event. Express your appreciation for the time and effort they put in.

This not only builds positive relationships, but also encourages future collaboration. Make session recordings, speaker presentations, and any other relevant materials from the event available. This allows attendees to revisit content and share with peers who were unable to attend live. A library of valuable resources also extends your event's impact beyond the day it took place. Send feedback surveys to attendees. Ask about their experience, what worked well and where there is room for improvement. Attendee feedback is invaluable in improving future events. Use the information gathered to fine-tune and refine your approach. Continue to stay in touch with attendees after the event by sharing relevant content related to the topics covered.

This could include articles, videos, infographics or interviews with speakers. Maintaining post-event engagement helps build an ongoing relationship and maintain interest. Share highlights and achievements of the event on your social networks, newsletters or website. This reinforces the value of the event and highlights the positive impact it has had. Also, recognize key participants, speakers and sponsors, creating an atmosphere of celebration. Beyond Event Boundaries: The post-event period is not the end, but an opportunity to extend the impact of your virtual event.

By sending thank yous, posting materials, collecting feedback, engaging with relevant content, and celebrating achievements, you're creating a lasting connection with participants. This approach not only maximizes the event's return on investment, but also builds an engaged and loyal community that is eager for more opportunities to learn and interact. Remember that the post-event is an essential part of the event cycle, and by investing in this stage you will be reaping long-term rewards.

Analisando dados de sucesso do evento online

Measuring the Success of Your Virtual Event

Closing your virtual event is not the end point, but rather a new beginning to measure success and glean valuable insights. In this article, we dive into the art of measuring the success of your virtual event and go beyond the numbers to understand the real impact.

1. Analyzing Participation, Engagement, and Satisfaction Metrics: Start by analyzing quantitative metrics, such as the number of attendees, session attendance rate, and interactions during the event. This provides an initial view of engagement. Also, collect post-event feedback to measure attendee satisfaction and understand their perceptions of the value of the event.

2. Comparing Reach and Impact with Initial Objectives: Compare the results achieved with the initial objectives of the event. If your goal was to educate, assess whether participants gained relevant knowledge. If the goal was to connect people, examine whether there were effective networking opportunities. This analysis helps you determine whether you have achieved your established goals.

3. Evaluating the ROI (Return on Investment): Evaluating the ROI is crucial to measuring the financial success of the event. Consider the total cost of the event, including platform, marketing, speakers, and resource expenses. Then compare it to direct financial benefits like ticket or sponsorship revenue. This helps to understand if the event generated a profit or if there was a positive return on investment.

4. Extracting Learnings for Future Events: each event is a learning opportunity. Evaluate what worked well and what could be improved. Identify strengths you want to retain for future events and areas that need tweaking. This helps to improve the quality of the event with each edition.

5. Valuing Qualitative Impact: While quantitative metrics are important, don't underestimate qualitative impact. Read participant comments, thank you messages and shared success stories. These insights provide a holistic view of the emotional and professional impact the event has had. Measuring the success of a virtual event goes beyond quantitative metrics.

It's a combination of tangible numbers and intangible impacts. By analyzing participation, engagement and satisfaction metrics, comparing against objectives, measuring ROI and extracting learnings, you will get a complete picture of how your event is performing. Remember that continuous learning is an essential part of the process, and each event is an opportunity to enhance and elevate the experience for attendees and organizers alike. By understanding the true impact of your event, you'll be well on your way to creating even more exceptional virtual experiences in the future.


On this journey, we explore the vast world of organizing online events, unlocking the secrets to creating engaging and impactful experiences. From initial planning to measuring success, each step plays a crucial role in creating a memorable virtual event.

Let's recap the main points we discussed: Planning is the Foundation: Every detail of the initial planning shapes the course of your event. Set clear goals, know your audience, choose the right platform and establish a solid timeline.

Content is King: Relevant and engaging content is the heart of your event. Select impactful topics, choose inspiring speakers and create presentations that captivate audiences.

Engagement is Key: Real-time interaction tools, virtual networking and gamification keep attendees engaged and excited. Technical Support is Vital: Rigorous testing, clear instructions and a team Technical support staff ensure your event runs smoothly.

Post-Event: Continuity Is Essential: Maintain engagement post-event with thank-yous, sharing materials, and gathering feedback to improve future editions.Measuring Success: Beyond Numbers: Quantitative Metrics and qualitative provide a complete picture of your event's impact.

Plan and Adapt: The importance of planning is only surpassed by the ability to adapt to changes and challenges that arise. Flexibility is key to continued success. In an ever-evolving world, online events have emerged as a powerful way to connect, educate and inspire people around the world. Organizing a virtual event is not just a project, it's an exciting journey to create meaningful experiences.

If you're reading this blogpost, you're ready to embark on that journey. Don't be afraid to experiment, innovate and learn along the way. Each event is an opportunity to grow, make your mark and create something unique.

Remember, success is not just about achieving goals, but also about the journey you take to achieve them. So take a deep breath, plan with enthusiasm, adapt flexibly, and create online events that will impact people's lives. The adventure is just beginning. To specialize further, check out ClickCard's blogs about their app, digital marketing, networking, ecology, business and the NFC card!‍

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