How important is networking in a professional’s life?

Learn the importance of networking for professional success, efficient practices and a strategic routine to build meaningful connections.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


February 27, 2024

Group of professionals networking

Networking, that is, building and maintaining a network of professional contacts, is extremely important in the life of a professional for several reasons:

Career Opportunities: Many job opportunities are not publicly advertised and may arise through recommendations and referrals from professional contacts. Having a solid network can open doors to new career opportunities.

Exchange of Knowledge and Experience : By interacting with professionals from different sectors and experience levels, it is possible to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences. This enriches your understanding of your area of activity and the market as a whole.

Continuous Learning: Networking can provide access to events, seminars, workshops and lectures, offering opportunities for continuous learning and professional development.

Reputation Building: A good network of contacts can help build a positive reputation. Recommendations and testimonials from co-workers can contribute to credibility and trust in the professional environment.

Support in Challenging Times: When facing professional challenges, having a support network can be valuable. Whether for advice, sharing resources or simply offering emotional support, a trusted network can be crucial.

Market Update: Networking allows you to stay up to date on market trends, changes in the industry and new opportunities. This is vital to remain competitive and adapted to the demands of the job market.

Developing Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborations and partnerships can emerge through professional connections. These partnerships can lead to joint projects, business initiatives or other collaborative opportunities.

Diversity of Perspectives: Interacting with professionals from different backgrounds, cultures and perspectives can enrich your view of the world and improve your communication and collaboration skills.

One of the most used tools in networking to facilitate the exchange of contacts is the digital business card . Anyone can purchase one by downloading the ClickCard app ( iOS and Android ).

What is the difference between a professional who practices networking and one who does not?

Professionals who practice networking are more likely to be informed about job opportunities before they are even publicly announced. They can receive contact recommendations for relevant positions.
Example : Imagine two marketers. The first, who practices networking, is recommended by a colleague for a position at a renowned company. The second, who does not invest in networking, only finds out about the vacancy when it is published online.

Those who maintain an active network have access to a variety of resources, information and insights into their industry. They can get valuable advice and stay updated on the latest trends.
Example : A software developer who practices networking can gain access to emerging tools and technologies before other professionals, through connections made at events and conferences.

Professionals who invest in networking have a more solid reputation in the job market. Recommendations and positive word of mouth contribute to building a respectable professional image.
Example : A renowned architect may have built his reputation through connections in the construction industry, receiving praise from colleagues and being appointed to important projects.

Those who practice networking have more opportunities to learn from others, share knowledge and participate in professional development events.
Example : A writer who regularly participates in writers' groups and conferences can hone their skills more quickly and gain valuable advice from established authors.

In difficult times, professionals with a strong network often have a support system that can offer emotional support, practical advice, and even alternative opportunities.

Example : An entrepreneur facing financial difficulties can receive guidance from other experienced entrepreneurs in their network, helping them overcome the challenges.

Some examples of public figures who are known for their networking skills include Richard Branson (Virgin Group), Oprah Winfrey (Oprah Winfrey Network), and Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX). These personalities have built and maintained meaningful connections throughout their careers, which has contributed to their success.

Routine proposal with the most efficient networking practices

Creating and maintaining an efficient networking routine requires consistency and a strategic approach. Here is a suggested routine that incorporates effective networking practices:

Week 1-2: Establish Objectives and Identify Key Contacts

Define Your Networking Goals

Identify your short- and long-term goals (e.g., getting a new job, learning about a new industry, finding mentors).

‍ Update Your Online Profile and Create an Elevator Pitch

Update your profile on LinkedIn and other relevant platforms.

Develop a short speech that highlights your skills and professional goals.

‍ Identify Key Contacts

Make a list of key contacts in your industry.

Prioritize connections that can help you achieve your goals.

Week 3-4: Connect and Engage

Make Initial Connections Online

Send personalized connection invitations to priority contacts.

Join relevant groups on social media.

‍ Attend Local or Virtual Events

Sign up for local networking events or webinars.

Be prepared to interact and share your elevator pitch.

Follow and Interact on Social Media

Follow companies and influencers on their social networks.

Share relevant content and comment on other professionals' posts.

Week 5-6: Strengthen Relationships and Offer Help

Schedule Virtual Coffees or Online Meetings

Schedule virtual meetings with key contacts.

Be prepared to discuss your goals and offer help.

‍ Participate in Discussion Groups and Forums

Contribute to online forums related to your area of expertise.

Answer questions and share your experience.

‍ Offer Help to New Contacts and Connections

Be aware of the needs of your network.

Offer help, share resources, or make introductions when appropriate.

Week 7-8: Maintain Consistency and Measure Progress

Track Connections and Measure Progress

Review your connections and interactions.

Evaluate progress against your goals.

Plan Follow-up Activities

Send follow-up messages to new connections.

Schedule future activities, like virtual coffee or attending events.

Refine and Adjust Networking Strategy

Reflect on what worked and what can be adjusted.

Make adjustments to your networking strategy as needed.

Remember that networking is an ongoing process. As you build and maintain relationships, adjust your strategy as your goals evolve. Consistency and authenticity are key to long-term networking success.

To learn more about networking, follow the ClickCard blogpost.

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