Digital transformation in companies is a very important subject for those who want to grow in the market.
The term refers to changes in the structuring, studies, and execution of business tasks and results.
So, if the company you work for has not yet adopted technological transformation, now is the time!
In this content, we will talk about the pillars of transformation and, of course, give tips on how the company can start the change.
Read on and enjoy the information!
Check out how ClickCard can help you create digital business cards!
What is digital transformation in companies?
The so-called digital transformation in companies is the use of technology to optimize processes and thus achieve better business results.
Many people understand the term as something simple, for example, the implementation of more modern machines in companies.
But, it should be noted that digital transformation goes much further, it really has very deep layers.
Digital transformation in Brazil
In Brazil, digital transformation started to show clearer signs as of 2018. Despite this, many businesses had not or, still, have not adopted the changes.
The pandemic caused by Covid-19 has made this scenario clearer...
According to a Dell Technologies Digital Transformation Index 2020 (DT Index 2020) survey, 87.5% of businesses were not yet prepared for technological change. But in the face of chaos, they had to change their pillars.
In order to be able to adapt to the latest requirements: remote working, Internet sales, and digital data security.
Of course, these three conditions already existed before, but it was during the pandemic that companies saw that they really needed to change in order to survive.
The importance of digital transformation in enterprises

Digital transformation in companies has several benefits. By the way, it is worth making it clear that change is feasible for all types of businesses, not only for those in the technology industry.
Why is this transformation so necessary?
Firstly, the implementation of technologies allows the optimization of company tasks and processes.
This in itself already facilitates the work of employees, generates less costs, and, of course, improves the customer experience.
Another major advantage is the ease of capturing data. The precise information allows the company to understand how it is doing, what needs to be improved, and which paths to follow.
Besides all this, digital transformation generates competitive power.
After all, think about it: to stand out in a competitive market - and one that is also full of other technologically transformed companies - it is essential to update and change processes.
What is the impact of digital transformation on companies?
Companies undergoing digital transformation can prove many improvements.
To begin with, the mindset of owners, directors, and managers changes. This can also influence employees at the operational level.
Over time, everyone realizes that digital transformation is really important, that it makes work easier and brings better results.
Apart from this, another impact is the ease of adjustment in the midst of challenges and crises.
Think about it: a company that was already aware of the technological resources certainly had a much easier time dealing with the challenges of the pandemic.
For example, if the institution already used a task management tool, it became simpler to adopt remote work.
After all, the worker can visualize and carry out his activities from anywhere. At the same time, managers can track the progress of tasks.
How does digital transformation work in companies?
It is important to repeat: Digital transformation in companies is a profound process. It all depends very much on the change of culture and, consequently, of the way of looking at work.
What are the steps in digital transformation?
The first step is to understand what digital change is all about. Then comes the task of thinking about the purpose, i.e.: What do you want to change and improve with digital technologies?
The third step is to make this need clear in the company's culture and values.
It is also necessary to explain, to all employees, why the technology is there, how it can improve the business.
In addition, of course, there is the part of changing processes and tasks, all based on new technological resources.
What are the main challenges of digital transformation?
Despite being something very positive, digital transformation in companies has its challenges. We list the main ones below. Take a look:
- lack of knowledge - many companies don't take the initiative to understand the concept and end up only going after it when faced with crises, such as Covid-19's;
- predisposition to change - some entrepreneurs are also more resistant to change. But, it is worth saying that business, to prosper, depends on people with an open mind to transformations;
- deficiency in the company's culture - as said, everyone needs to take digital transformation seriously. With this comes the task of cultural change in companies, something that demands a lot of effort and dedication;
- lack of necessary IT - there is also a frequent lack of qualified professionals to deal with technological tools, concepts and practices in companies.
What are the advantages of investing in digital transformation in companies?

The changes linked to technological resources have many benefits, for example
- simplification of activities - some tasks can even be automated (for example: inventory control done by software);
- improved communication and integration among the teams (an online tool that manages tasks and cross-references activities among the teams already helps in this process);
- Secure decision making - the use of technologies such as Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data allow the capture, processing and analysis of business data. From this, it is possible to make more assertive decisions;
- increase in the power of competitiveness;
- adaptation to market needs (with a platform for online store, for example, it is possible to sell over the Internet in a practical and safe way);
- improved customer experience (for example, with omnichannel technology, customers can buy products through the site and pick them up in person).
How to start the digital transformation process in business?
Once you know what digital transformation is, what it is for, and what the aspects of digital transformation are, we suggest you think about the needs of your teams.
What are the gaps that exist today? Where do you want to go? With that, also think about how technologies can help you.
An example: imagine that the need, at the moment, is to increase the company's customer base, okay?
One of the solutions may be the adoption of a client prospecting tool. Besides this, it is possible to invest in a more modern site, and even the creation of a blog.
Creating and publishing relevant information is a great way to attract more public and, at the same time, gain notoriety in the market.
(Of course, these two solutions are linked to technological resources).
How can Clickcard help you?
Did you know that ClickCard can help you in the process of digital transformation?
The company enables the production of digital business cards and also the management of contacts in a virtual way.
With this, you and the other employees of the company can present themselves in a technological way.
Not to mention the ease of storing contacts in digital media, something crucial for good networking.
See right now how to create virtual business cards, and start the digital transformation the right way!
Check out how ClickCard can help you create digital business cards!
Digital transformation is something very important for companies. As we have seen, the concept is linked to the exploitation of technological resources.
This is to facilitate task execution, process logic, data analysis, secure decision making, among other points.
With so many benefits, you can't leave digital transformation aside.
Think, right now, about the needs of the company where you operate. Then, define with which technological weapons it is possible to fight!
Don't forget that ClickCard can also help you. The digital business card is the first sign that the company really bets on technologies!
We have no doubt that, with time, everything can improve and business expansion will happen!