Step by Step: How to create, edit and manage your NFC Card in the ClickCard App

Learn how to create and manage your NFC Card in the ClickCard App with this simple and effective step-by-step guide.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


September 6, 2023

How to enable and edit nfc card properties in ClickCard app

In the ever-evolving digital landscape we live in, the way we share personal and professional information is rapidly changing. Today, in an increasingly connected society, the traditional methods of exchanging business cards at events or business meetings are giving way to a smarter, faster and more efficient approach. And that's where the power of NFC cards comes in.

If you are not yet familiar with NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, don't worry, because this guide is exactly what you need. And if you're already aware of this innovation, but want to know how to create, edit and manage your own NFC cards effectively, you're also in the right place.

The Era of NFC Cards in the Palm of Your Hand

Imagine a world where you can share your contact details, social media information and much more with a simple tap of your mobile devices. Welcome to the world of NFC cards. These smart cards allow instant data transfer when held close to a compatible device, making exchanging information an effortless experience.

In this guide, we'll explore one of the tools available to create, edit and manage your NFC card in the ClickCard App.

So get ready to embark on this exciting journey of digital discovery. Let's unlock the secrets of NFC cards and show how the ClickCard App can transform the way you connect with the digital world. Let's start!

Step 1: Create your digital business card

With ClickCard, you can create your business card in two ways: by installing the ClickCard application or by contacting our creative team.

With the application you have access to pre-formatted templates that can be customized according to your contact information and other graphic elements such as logo, background and profile picture.

For a more detailed step-by-step on how to create a digital business card, click here to read the content.

Check out some of our models available on the App below:

The second way to create your digital business card with ClickCard is by contacting our team .

With it you have control of all the creation of your card in your hands.

You can add graphics, color palette, typography, icons and photos as you like.

In addition to contact information and links to as many social networks as you like.

We create a card according to your visual identity and expectations.

To download the app, go to the stores App store and Play Store .

To contact our team, click here.

Create digital business card

Step 2: Request an NFC Card

After creating your digital business card, you can ask ClickCard for the NFC card that is personalized according to your company's visual identity and digital business card.

The NFC card has its first predefined configuration according to the owner's preferences, but can be edited at any time through the ClickCard application .

In the NFC card properties , in the lightning icon in the bottom menu of the screen, the user can choose which of his cards he wants to use as the destination link of his NFC card; edit the version you want to share of your digital business card (Contact or Web); change the share link; as well as deactivating and activating the NFC card.

For a better visualization, check the step by step below:

NFC Screen
Choose a ClickCard
edit card link
Share format

Passo 3: Seu cartão NFC chegou! 

Após solicitar o seu Cartão NFC, ele será entregue no endereço que informar à equipe da ClickCard. 

Para ativá-lo, o proprietário deverá acessar o QR Code de seu celular e ler o verso do cartão NFC. Em seguida, ao logar em sua conta no aplicativo da ClickCard, o seu cartão NFC estará ativado.

Visualize o passo a passo: 

Read the QR Code

Card activated in the app

Passo 4: Compartilhe

Agora o seu cartão NFC está pronto para ser compartilhado. 

Basta aproximar o cartão do celular de outra pessoa para que o seu cartão de visita digital seja visualizado em sua versão web ou como contato!

Agora fazer conexões ficou muito mais fácil. 

Compartilhe com seus amigos esta experiência e torne seu networking cada vez mais rico!


Para aproveitar mais do aplicativo da ClickCard, conheça mais sobre as ferramentas de Scanner, métricas, Carteira Digital, QR Code, Proximidade e outras. Explore nosso App e aproveite!

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