Business Card

Discover the power of the business card: a bridge to solid professional connections and a tangible expression of your identity in the business world.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


December 19, 2023

Professionals making connections after sharing contact via business card

The business card is a networking and marketing tool that plays an important role in various professional situations. Here are some reasons why business card is considered important:

Professional first impression: The business card is often the first impression people have of your business or of you as a professional. Professional design and proper presentation convey a positive and trustworthy image.

Facilitates networking : Exchanging business cards is a common practice at networking events, conferences and business meetings. Having a card handy makes it easier to share contact information and establish professional connections.

Essential information in a compact format: A business card usually contains crucial information such as name, title, company name, email address and phone number. This provides a quick and easy way for others to contact you.

Direct marketing: The business card acts as a form of direct marketing. It allows you to promote your brand in a tangible way and provides a physical souvenir to potential customers or business partners.

Professionalism and credibility: Having a well-designed business card can increase your credibility and convey a sense of professionalism. This is especially important in areas where trust and reputation are paramount.

Easy distribution of digital information: Some business cards now include QR codes or other technologies that facilitate the transfer of digital information, such as websites, social media profiles or instant messaging apps.

Facilitates post-event follow-up: After networking events or meetings, people often have a stack of business cards to review. Having a well-designed business card can help you stand out and be remembered.

Quick Accessibility to Information: Compared to searching for information on an electronic device, business cards offer a quick and easy way to access important information about a person or company.

Although networking and communication practices have evolved with technology, the business card is still a valuable tool for establishing professional connections and conveying important information effectively.

Why buy a business card

Acquiring business cards can bring several benefits to professionals and companies. Here are some reasons to consider purchasing business cards:

Business cards make it easy to quickly exchange contact information at networking events, conferences, and business meetings. They are an effective way to establish professional connections.

Having a well-designed business card conveys a professional image and helps build credibility. This is important, especially when dealing with customers, business partners and competitors.

Business cards provide essential information such as name, title, company name, and contact details in a quick and accessible way. This is convenient for people who want to contact you without having to look online.

Business cards serve as a tangible form of direct marketing. They carry your brand's visual identity and can include design elements that highlight the uniqueness of your business.

People are more likely to remember an interaction when they receive something tangible, like a business card. This is useful for keeping your company or services in the minds of potential customers.

Business cards offer an opportunity to express your brand identity through design. You can customize the layout, colors, fonts, and information presented to create a unique visual representation of your company.

After events, having a well-designed business card makes it easier to follow up. People can remember who you are and what you do based on the card they received, making post-event contact easier.

Many business cards now incorporate QR codes, allowing people to easily access additional information online, such as websites, social media profiles or digital portfolios.

In short, purchasing business cards is a valuable practice for establishing and strengthening professional connections, conveying a professional image and facilitating networking in different business contexts.

How to use your business card in networking

A business card is a valuable networking tool, and using it effectively can help you establish meaningful professional connections. Here are some tips on how to use your business card for networking:

Be prepared: Keep your business cards in an easy-to-access place, like a card holder, so you can quickly hand them out when needed.

Make sure the cards are in good condition and the information is up to date.

Personal introduction: When exchanging business cards, give a brief personal introduction. Give a firm handshake and make eye contact to convey confidence.

Strategic distribution: Distribute your business card strategically, especially in situations where exchanging contact information is appropriate, such as at networking events, conferences, and business meetings.

Receiving the card: When receiving a card, pay due attention. Look at the card, make a positive comment about the design or information presented, and show genuine interest in the person.

Card Notes: Make discreet notes on the back of the card you receive. This can help you remember important details from the conversation, which makes it easier to follow up later.

Connect online: If the business card has information about social media profiles, blogs or websites, connect online to expand your virtual network and learn more about the person or company.

Thank and follow up: After the event, send a thank you email to the contacts you received, mentioning the exchange of cards and expressing your interest in staying in touch.

Use the card as a bridge: The business card can serve as a bridge between the in-person meeting and future interactions. Use it as a tangible reminder of your conversation and as a reference point to establish a stronger connection.

Personalization : Be personalized when giving your business card. If there's something specific in the conversation you want to highlight, mention it when handing over the card to create a more memorable connection.

Maintain etiquette: Respect cultural and business practices when exchanging cards, especially in international contexts.

Remember that your business card is an extension of your personal or business brand, and using it effectively for networking can significantly contribute to developing professional relationships.

What should be on a business card

An effective business card should contain essential information that helps convey your professional identity and facilitate contact. Here are the main elements that are usually included in a business card:


Your name should be the most prominent feature on the card. Make sure it's clearly readable and stands out from the rest of the design.

Position or Title:

Include your job title or job title to indicate your position within the company or organization.

Company or Brand Name:

Add your company or brand name visibly. This helps associate you with your organization.

Contact information:

Include relevant contact details such as phone number and email address. Be sure to provide current information for easy contact.

Company's adress:

The company's physical address may be included, especially if the physical location is relevant to your business.


Add your website address if applicable. This is especially important if you have an online portfolio or detailed information about your products and services.


Include your company logo to reinforce the brand's visual identity. Make sure the logo is in high resolution.

Social media:

If you're active on social media platforms relevant to your industry, consider including icons or usernames for networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram.

QR Code:

A QR code can be added to facilitate quick access to online information such as your website or social media profile.

Attractive Design:

The overall design of the card should be professional and attractive. Choose legible fonts, appropriate colors, and layouts that complement your brand's visual identity.

Additional Information (Optional):

Depending on your industry, you can add relevant information like certifications, company slogan, or a brief description of what you do.

Blank space:

Be sure to leave adequate white space to ensure the information does not appear crowded. This makes the card easier to read and visually pleasing.

Remember that simplicity and clarity are key. People should be able to quickly get important information when looking at your business card. When designing the card, put yourself in the recipient's shoes and think about what information would be most helpful to them.

Traditional or digital business card

Choosing between a traditional business card and a digital business card depends on several factors, including your target audience, the nature of your business and your personal preferences. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Traditional Business Card:

  • Tangible Professionalism: Traditional business cards offer a physical presence, which may be perceived as more professional in some industries. Having a tangible card can create a lasting impression.
  • In-Person Events: If you frequently attend in-person events, meetings or conferences, a traditional business card may be more practical for quickly exchanging information.
  • Tradition and Business Etiquette: In some industries and business cultures, the traditional business card is considered a respectable tradition and standard practice of business etiquette.

Digital Business Card:

  • Accessibility and Sustainability: Digital business cards are affordable and more sustainable, as they eliminate the need for printing on paper. This can be an important consideration for those who value sustainable business practices.
  • Online Integration: If your online presence is a crucial part of your business, a digital business card may be more effective. It can include links to your website, LinkedIn profile, online portfolio, or other digital resources.
  • Innovation and Technology: In sectors more focused on innovation and technology, having a digital business card can convey a more modern image in line with the latest trends.
  • Ease of Update: The information on a digital business card can be updated easily, whereas on a traditional card, you will need to reprint it to make changes.

In many cases, the ideal approach may be a combination of the two. For example, you can have traditional business cards for in-person events and meetings, but also provide a digital business card for those who prefer or are more inclined to the online world.

Regardless of your choice, make sure the design, information, and presentation align with your brand image and the audience you want to reach.

In the ClickCard application you can have your digital business card for free. Just download the app ( Android or iOS ) and register.


In conclusion, the business card continues to be a valuable tool in the business world, playing a crucial role in establishing professional connections and promoting personal and business brands. Whether in the traditional form, offering a tangible and respectable presence, or in the digital version, adapted to the era of technology and online connectivity, the choice between the two formats depends on the context, target audience and individual preferences.

Regardless of the format you choose, the key to an effective business card lies in clarity of information, professional design and the ability to convey the essence of your business or personal identity. By investing time and consideration into creating your business card, you are not only providing a means of contact, but also building a solid bridge to lasting professional relationships.

As we move forward in an increasingly digital world, it is essential to recognize the importance of adaptability, incorporating innovative approaches without losing sight of the core values of professionalism and networking. The business card, in its traditional or digital form, remains a timeless symbol of first impressions, information exchange and the potential to build fruitful collaborations across the vast business landscape.

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