LinkedIn: how to make a good profile

Discover secrets to optimizing your LinkedIn profile: highlight your skills, create an engaging summary and win professional opportunities.

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


December 7, 2023

Two LinkedIn users discovering how to best optimize their personal and corporate profile.

Creating a good LinkedIn profile is crucial to building an effective professional presence online. Here are some tips to help optimize your profile:

1. Professional Profile Photo:

  • Use a clear, professional photo.
  • Make sure your appearance is appropriate for the professional environment.

2. Impactful Headline:

  • Highlight your current position and area of expertise.
  • Be specific and use relevant keywords.

3. Compelling Summary:

  • Write a concise but engaging summary that highlights your skills and accomplishments.
  • Show your passion for your field and mention your professional goals.

4. Detailed Professional Experience:

  • List your work experiences clearly and in detail.
  • Highlight your responsibilities and accomplishments in each role.

5. Education and Certifications:

  • Include information about your education and relevant certifications.
  • Highlight academic achievements and awards, if applicable.

6. Skills and Endorsements:

  • List key skills related to your area of expertise.
  • Ask colleagues to endorse your skills.

7. Recommendations:

  • Ask for recommendations from colleagues, supervisors or clients.
  • Write recommendations for others if possible.

8. Activities and Publications:

  • Share relevant content and participate in discussions.
  • Post articles or projects you have worked on.

9. URL Customization:

10. Being Active on the Platform:

  • Join relevant groups and follow companies in your area.
  • Comment and share posts to show your involvement.

11. Regular Updates:

  • Keep your profile updated with your latest achievements.
  • Update your status regularly to maintain visibility.

12. Add Media:

  • Include links to projects, presentations or portfolio.
  • This adds a visual dimension to your profile.

13. Privacy Settings:

  • Adjust your privacy settings as needed.
  • Be aware of who can see your updates and connections.

14. Be Authentic:

  • Be honest and authentic about who you are and what you seek professionally.
  • Highlight your personality in a professional way.

15. Title and Summary Update:

  • Keep your title and summary updated as your career evolves.

Remember, a well-designed LinkedIn profile can be a powerful tool for developing your professional network and attracting relevant opportunities. Adjust your profile as needed as your career progresses.

What to share on your LinkedIn feed

When sharing content on your LinkedIn feed to attract job opportunities, it's important to create posts that demonstrate your knowledge, passion for the field, and involvement in the professional community. Here are some ideas of what you can share:

Professional Achievements: Share your achievements at work, such as goals achieved, projects completed successfully or awards received.

Professional Updates: Let your network know about positive changes in your career, such as a new position, promotion or certification obtained.

Sharing Educational Content: Share articles, videos or infographics relevant to your area of expertise. Add a brief description about why the content is interesting.

Participation in Events or Conferences: If you have attended events or conferences in your industry, share valuable insights, photos and highlight learnings.

Personal or Freelance Projects: If you are involved in personal projects or freelance work, share the results and experiences.

Professional Milestones: Celebrate milestones in your career, such as job anniversaries, company anniversaries or any other significant milestone.

Original Publications: Write original articles or posts on topics relevant to your field. This highlights your experience and unique vision.

Participation in Webinars or Workshops: Report your participation in webinars, workshops or lectures, highlighting the topics covered.

Educational Achievements: Share information about courses, certifications, or workshops you have recently completed.

Innovations in the Industry: Comment on the latest trends and innovations in your area of activity. Demonstrate that you are up to date with the market.

Professional Tips and Advice: Offer practical advice and tips for professionals in your field. This shows your experience and willingness to help others.

Positive Feedback: Share positive feedback you have received from colleagues, supervisors or customers. This highlights your skills and competencies.

Be sure to maintain a professional tone and use high-quality images where appropriate. By regularly sharing relevant and valuable content, you not only attract the attention of recruiters, but also demonstrate your commitment to ongoing development and contribution to your professional community.


Maintaining an efficient routine on LinkedIn, whether for a personal or corporate profile, is essential to building a solid presence on the platform. For a personal profile, it's crucial to keep information up to date, including relevant experiences and skills. Additionally, sharing content regularly, such as articles, news and professional achievements, helps demonstrate knowledge and involvement in the community.

At the same time, actively interacting with the network is essential. This involves participating in group discussions, responding to messages and connection invitations in a professional manner, and contributing valuable insights. Continuously expanding the network by asking for recommendations and providing endorsements is also a best practice.

In the case of a corporate profile, the company page must be regularly updated with relevant information about products, services and staff. Sharing content that highlights company culture, achievements, and events is an effective strategy for attracting followers and customers. Additionally, maintaining an active presence by responding to comments, updating job openings, and sharing educational content contributes to brand credibility and visibility.

It is essential to monitor page performance metrics, such as reach, engagement and follower growth, to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy adopted. Both profiles can benefit from a consistent, authentic and engaging approach, balancing professional advancement with building meaningful relationships online.

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